We have made some some time for celebration these last couple of days as we reflect on some of the achievements we have made this year. Some of our particular highlights have been the fantastic PTFA events this year. You will remember fondly, i'm sure, our Winter Disco, the Spring Food Fair and more recently the Summer Fair. Many of you bought the tea towels and bags decorated with the children's artwork. We owe so much thanks to Shakira for making all these things possible. Three years ago we didn't have a PTFA at all and now we have these events as regular features in our school calendar. So it is with sadness that we say goodbye to Shakira as she begins a new chapter of her life in South Africa. We will miss you so much but we will try to think about how lucky we have been to have had you in our school community for the past few years.
Our challenge now is to keep these fantastic events going next year and beyond!.
Best Wishes
Mr Burton