Dear Parent / Carer,
As I am sure many of you are aware, many families in our
community will soon be celebrating the Muslim festival of Eid. This festival comes after a very warm month
of Ramadan. We anticipate that the celebration
will fall either on Sunday the 25th June or Monday 26th
June. We understand that if you are
celebrating Eid on the Monday you may wish your child to celebrate with you. If
so then we will authorise one day of absence for religious observance. However, school will be open and we will be
ready to provide learning for all throughout the week as normal.
We recognise that Eid is a very important religious festival
for so many people in our locality and across the world. As a school we would like to be a part of
this celebration. On Tuesday 27th
June we will have a celebration day in school.
We are inviting all children to come to school in their finest
celebration clothes. These might be
special clothes they have received as gifts for Eid or anything else they like
to wear for special occasions. Later in
the afternoon classes will spend some time eating some celebratory food. If you would like to send some food into school
for your child to share with their class you are welcome to do so. Please could you ensure none of the food
contains nuts as we know some of the children at Cabot are allergic to
nuts. Could you please send the food in
with your child to the class in the morning of the 27th June.
Best wishes and Eid Mubarak,
Tom Burton
Head Teacher
Cabot Primary School-