Tuesday 11 September 2012

Summer Works

Below are some of the pictures of the work we have been doing over the summer:

The new entrance:

The field area:

 Community room:

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Cabot Primary School!

Eid Mubarak! I hope all our families celebrating Eid at the end of August had a peaceful and enjoyable time.

We have had a very positive start to the year.  The children have settled quickly into learning with their new teachers and year groups.  It is very pleasing to see pupils so well prepared with smart uniforms, book bags and happy smiles.
You will have noticed many new improvements to the school building and surroundings.  Over the Summer holidays we have improved the children’s toilets, remodelled the Reception, Year 2 and Year 3 classrooms, increased the outdoor play space and begun to prepare for a new extension building which is planned to start this coming year.  We are very grateful to Philippa Thorne, our school business manager and Mr Copley, who both worked hard to ensure the work was completed in time for the start of term.  I will post some photographs of the improvements on the school website next week.

Best Wishes
Mr Burton