Saturday 27 April 2013

Cabot Runners

Our running team will be taking on the challenge of the Bristol 10k next Sunday. Here is a link to our sponsorship page if you would like to offer a donation to the Matthew Tree Project.

Many thanks
Mr Burton

Friday 26 April 2013

Well Done Aleena's mum!

Congratulations to Aleena Akhtar's mum for completing the London Marathon on Sunday.
I always watch it and find it so inspiring to see people making so much effort to complete the challenge. I feel very proud that someone from our school community took part.

We have seven members of staff who will be taking part in the Bristol 10k next Sunday. Miss Hunter, Miss Pearce, Miss Jolliffe, Mrs Cartlidge, Mr Wilson,  Mrs Panter's husband and I will be represinting our school as a Cabot team. We hope to be the fastest school in Bristol. We will be raisng money for the Matthew Tree Project food bank. I will give your further details about to help us with sponsership next week.

Mr Burton

Friday 19 April 2013

Deputy Head Appointment

Dear Parents,

I am very pleased to announce to you that Miss Hunter has been appointed as the permanent Deputy Head at Cabot.
You will know from your experiences with Miss Hunter and our Ofsted report that she is an Outstanding class teacher and School Leader.
You might not notice much difference in her new role. She will continue to work in the Year 2 class on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and support leadership across the school on Mondays and Tuesdays.
The big difference is that we know she is permanent in her position and has committed to the long term improvement of our great school.

Best Wishes

Mr Burton

Saturday 6 April 2013

Spring Fair

What a fantastic end to Term 4 we had with our first ever Spring Fair. So much to eat, games to play, books to buy and beautiful face painting and Mendhi patterns.  We had so much fun you would have hardly noticed it was pouring down. (Except Gabi perhaps who did such an excellent job running the coconut shy in the rain.)
It was great to see so many of you there.  Thank you so much to all the parents, staff and governors who contributed items for the stalls or helpded run them in the afternoon. And of course, a very special thank you to Shakira who organised the event.  If this is a sign of how the PTFA is going to support the school in the future we can expect great things.
Best Wishes everyone
Mr Burton