Thursday 21 February 2013

Friday 8 February 2013

Busy Week

Dear Parents,

What a busy last week of term we have had!

As you know we had an inspection visit from Ofsted this week. The judgement is still under review and it will be a few weeks before it is published.  What I can tell you is that the visit went smoothly and we think their judgement will be very fair.
Meanwhile, as well as the usual good teaching of Reading, Writing and Maths, we have also been celebrating  Music Week.  This morning we had a fantastic celebration assembly with every class performing a piece of music or dance.  I felt so proud to be working in a school with such talented pupils and staff. We are all very grateful to Miss Heppner for leading such an outstanding focus week and performance.  
My only sadness was that you weren't able to see your children perform. Unfortunately, our school hall is too small to fit in all the pupils and parents at the same time. So, I am trying to find a nearby venue where we can share our performance with you. I'll let you know more as soon as I find out when and where this could be.

The photograph above is a Gospel Choir who came to sing to children. This was organised by Mrs Cartlidge, our one to one tutor who is a member of the choir. It was an inspirational performance enjoyed by pupils and staff alike.

Have a happy half term break.  We look forward to seeing you back on the 18th February.

Best Wishes

Tom Burton