Sunday 30 November 2014

Sunday Performance at St George's Hall Brandon Hill

Tonight's audience at St George's Hall has just been treated to a fantastic performance by Bristol Reggae Orchestra, accompanied by our very own Cabot pupils. Children sang and danced with support from a full orchestra of strings, brass, woodwind and percussion sections. There were especially composed pieces alongside orchestral versions of some reggae classics, including Bob Marley's Three Little Birds. Everyone in the audience rose to their feet and danced along.

Well done Cabot pupils. We are very proud of you. Thank you Miss Heppner for once again making sure our wonderful pupils are sharing their talents across the city. Thank you also to Mrs Redwood, Miss Hunter, Miss Huish and Mirs Cartlidge for ensuring the pupils got there safely and did their best.

Mr Burton

That's us in the red at the back looking really smart!

Friday 28 November 2014

School Disco!

We had a great time showing our best moves on the Dance Floor last night. Thank you very much to our DJ Mr Copely, our MCs Miss Pearce and Miss Hunter and of course to Claire Humphreys (Lucas and Owen's mum!) and the rest of the PTFA for organising this fantastic event.

Mr Burton

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Pupil Progress Coffee Morning

Thank you for coming to the meeting this morning. It was great to see so many of you there to share in the positive news about the school's continued progress and and our key areas for development. I am glad you feel as positive as I do about the school's continued improvement journey. A summary of the School's performance data can be found on the school website:

If you would like to give your own feedback about the school then remember, as well as speaking to us directly, you can use the Ofsted Parent View website.

Best Wishes,

Mr Burton

Monday 17 November 2014

Mama Africa

Our Year 6 Cabot pupils put on a fantastic performance at City Academy School on Friday night. Their poetry and dance work reflected their talents and the effort they put in to all the practise sessions. Pupils were well supported by teachers from across the school. Well done Year 6, we are very proud of you.

Mr Burton

Friday 14 November 2014

Children in Need

We are celebrating Children in Need at Cabot today. As always, staff have joined in just as enthusiastically as the children. We will have more photos on our school events page later so you can see how our date went.

Best Wishes

Mr Burton

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Dance studio and Music room

Our new music room and dance studio are busy places on Wednesday lunchtimes. We have our Steel Pan and Dance Clubs both running. I look forward to inviting you to some performances later by these groups later in the year.

Mr Burton

Mama Africa! Performance at City Academy this Friday, 6.30 pm

Dear All,

We were treated to a dress rehearsal of our Mama Africa poetry and dance performance this morning. Our Year 6 pupils will be performing at City Academy this Friday, along with several other Bristol schools. Pupils have been learning about African Art, Culture, Poetry and and using our new studio room to choreograph and practise a dance. We are so proud of our talented pupils.

Friday 7 November 2014

Building Progress

Over the half term break the builders were busy working on the rendering outside the Year 2,3 and 4 classes. I am sure you'll agree it is a very smart finish.

More work has been done inside the building too. We are expecting to have our Art/DT room and music room finished very soon.

This is all good progress towards ensuring we have the very best building and resources from which we can provide the very best teaching for our children.

Best Wishes

Mr Burton

Thursday 6 November 2014

Pupil Progress - Coffee Morning 18th November

Dear Parents,

Our data pack from Ofsted has arrived and I am very pleased to tell you that it shows our Year 2 pupils did very well in their end of year assessments in June.  It also show that our Year 6 pupils made very good progress since  Year 2. I would like to share this data and more with you in further detail and explain how we will use it to inform planning for further school improvement.

I have booked the new studio room for Tuesday 18th November at 9.00 am for a Parent Group meeting. I look forward to seeing you there.

Best Wishes

Mr Burton

New Website Sections

Dear Parents,

We have made several updates to the school website. There are now new sections with information about:

The 2014 Curriculum

We also have a special section dedicated to Reading, our School Improvement Priority area for this year. This section also links to the Library. Your child can access our Junior Librarian progamme from here and review their library account.

My favourite update to the website is our link to a recording of our new Cabot Anthem. You can find it in the Performing Arts events section, or by clicking the link below.

Best Wishes

Mr Burton