Friday 26 February 2016

The Ambassadors' Party

The Ambassadors' Parties are noted for their exquisite taste....

Thank you to all the Cabot Ambassadors who have done a fantastic job representing the school over the past 3 terms.  We had a very enjoyable celebration party.  It was great to hear you share your favourite ambassadorial moments.  Thank you Mrs Green for helping get the ambassador project of the ground at Cabot.

Mr Burton

To the Ambassadors!

Thanks sharing your favourite moments "showing Mr Town around our school before he came to work here."

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Year 4 Recycling Project

Our Year 4 pupils have come up with some fantastic designs for stickers to promote and encourage recycling in our community.  They were supported in their work by Felix, our very own resident street artist.  You might find some of these stickers on recycling boxes in St Paul's already.  There are plans for this project to go citywide.  Well done Mrs Carter, Miss Whitehouse and Year 4 pupils for such great work to encourage people to take more care of the environment.

Friday 5 February 2016

Maths Week

Our Maths Learning Week has been very successful.  Throughout the week children have had a range of interesting and challenging problems to solve, all about shape.  We have had civil engineers working with us to tell us about strong shapes in bridge building, maths university students working in classes across the school and all kinds of investigations taking place.

The finale was as always our Maths fair business challenge event.  All the stalls were very busy.  we will have to wait to find out which class made the most profit!

Have a great half term everybody.

Mr Burton